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Awesome Space
October 232015

AwesomeSpace is an inspiring and constructive place to reach the next level of Awesome. For you, your crew, or organisation. Uniting digital communities makes the world a better place. AwesomeSpace is built by long-time technology enthusiasts, like you, to support this mission.

Play :: Build :: Demo :: Code :: Run :: Stream :: Compose

Speedrun :: Tweak :: Mod :: Own :: Reverse :: Engineer

Pioneer :: Hack :: Develop :: Decrypt 

Explore :: CTF :: Invent ::  Learn :: Win :: Teach


Wednesday Gamenight!

Awesome Space is open every Wednesday for anyone to play great classic games. Come over NEXT wednesday night to explore AwesomeSpace. We are located in the Game Captial of the Netherlands. Bring friends, play games, have fun. Click here for travel, parking and contact information.

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Apple Museum Nederland
October 232015

In het pittoreske dorpje Orvelte met monumentale boerderijen en oude klinkerstraatjes vindt u Apple Museum Nederland. Een museum opgezet door Apple liefhebbers, enthousiaste vrijwilligers met maar één doel: de collectie compleet houden, uitbreiden en vooral tentoonstellen.

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Pinball Hall of Fame
October 232015

They just GO together. Bright colors, flashing lights, bells, buzzers, chimes, people trying to beat the game … they BOTH have them all!!! Now, Las Vegas has Pinball … in a BIG way. The Pinball Hall of Fame is the public side of the Las Vegas Pinball Collectors Club and showcases over 200 pinball games in perfect working order from nearly all areas of pinball history.

In THIS hall of fame visitors can touch everything and play the games!

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Computertechnologie evolueert heel snel. De ene technologie lost de andere razendsnel af. Nu de internetgeneratie van systeembeheerders en computeraars aantreedt, en de oude garde langzaamaan afzwaait, raakt er veel kennis verloren. Kennis van hoe die oude systemen functioneren en bediend moeten worden.
Het museum heeft, naast het tonen van een brede collectie systemen, ook als doel deze systemen functionerend te houden en de kennis erover te bewaren. We hebben bijvoorbeeld een PDP11/44 staan met tapedrive en CDC drive, een aantal (micro)VAX-en, Holborn-systemen en nog veel meer bijzondere hardware.

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Musée Mécanique
October 232015

Welcome to the Musée Mécanique, one of the world’s largest (over 200) privately owned collection of coin-operated mechanical musical instruments and antique arcade machines in their original working condition. (You can play them!)

Located on Pier 45 at the foot of Taylor Street in San Francisco’s Fisherman’s Wharf.

Free Admission Every Day!

We will take you on a journey from turn of the century hand cranked music boxes to modern video arcade games. This is a trip down memory lane. It is a chance to show your children or grandchildren what you did for fun when you were their age. Before video games at home, perhaps before television, perhaps what you remember sitting in your grandparent’s parlor

For those of you who grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area, it is a chance to remember Playland at the Beach, Sutro Baths and the Cliff House. There is our own “Laffing Sal”, “Susie the Can-Can Dancer” and the fascinating “Carnival.” Other things have been brought in from around the world for your amusement.

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October 232015

The Computerspielemuseum opened the first permanent exhibition in the world for digital interactive entertainment culture in 1997 in Berlin. After that, it became responsible for 30 national and international exhibitions. Among these was the project “pong.mythos” sponsored by the German Federal Cultural Foundation, Germany’s most successful traveling exhibition in the history of computer games. In the last five years, over 470,000 visitors have seen this exhibition. The museum contains around 16,000 game titles, around 10,000 technical magazines, many historical home computers and console systems, which were sold in Europe, and an extensive amount of other documents, for example: videos, posters and handbooks. It contains one of the largest collections of entertainment software and hardware in Europe.

The Computerspielemuseum’s collection is the property of the Booster Club for Youth and Social Work. The new museum itself is run by Gameshouse gGmbH. Building the new permanent exhibition was financed by the German Lottery Fund in Berlin and from the Cultural Investment Program of Berlin’s Cultural Affairs Department, so the ERDF.

There are over 300 interactive exhibits illustrating the cultural history of computer gaming. One is the highlights is an actual video arcade from the 1980s with authentic arcade games from the decade that launched video games into popular culture. All console game systems are on display from the original Magnavox Odyssey from 1972 to more recent household devices like the Nintendo systems and all versions of the PlayStation family. An original exhibit in the museum is called the “PainStation”, where the loser of the game is subject to physical punishment such as heat or a mild electric shock.

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Retro Computer Museum
October 232015

The Retro Computer Museum is a registered charity dedicated to the benefit of the public for the preservation, display and public experience of computer and console systems from the 1960’s onwards. Charity registration no. 1146912.

Our main focus is on systems that were in use in the home, rather than big computer systems and mainframes of early computer development. We have systems ranging from the early Pong consoles through the Sega and Nintendo console wars and the home computers of the ZX Spectrum, Commodore 64s and Amigas.

The Retro Computer Museum aims to provide Retro Gaming and Computing events and access to retro computer equipment for educational visits and tours. The Retro Computer Museum has held seven Retro Gaming events of its own to date, including partnership events with Snibston Discovery Museum. The Retro Computer Museum has also made appearances at the 2010 Vintage Computer Festival in Bletchley Park, and participating in the 2010 EuroCon event in Manchester with a line-up of British computers.

The Retro Computer Museum relies mainly on donations from its members and visitors. We have had over 200 systems donated as part of our collection, along with numerous books, software titles, peripherals, magazines, brochures, etc. We appreciate any and all donations, no matter how small. We also accept dead machines and peripherals as these can be used to repair existing systems. Please contact us if you feel you have something we may be interested in.

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Dutch Pinball Museum
October 232015

Het Dutch Pinball Museum opende in augustus 2015 haar deuren. Het is een initiatief van Gerard van de Sanden. Heeft u vragen? Neem dan contact met ons op (zie de Contact pagina voor alle details).


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Het Bonami SpelComputer Museum heeft zich als doel gesteld spelcomputers en alles wat er mee te maken heeft te verzamelen, te bewaren, te exposeren, en zonder geldinworp, voor het publiek SPEELBAAR te houden. En dat is met meer dan ca. 175 spelcomputers, arcadekasten en flipperkasten genoeg voor 3 à 4 uren speelplezier. Het museum geeft u een perfecte Retro Game Experience (beleving) met een retro beeld en geluid van het verleden, maar ook zeker met de huidige spelcomputers de high-end game-pc’s en hun games. Het allernieuwste de – Nintendo Wii U – is ook bespeelbaar bij ons. Maar ook de PS VITA, de PS3, de Xbox 360 en ook de 3DS XL ontbreken niet. En wat dacht u van binnenkort ook de 3D Oculus Rift2.

Dinsdag tot en met Zondag van 10.00 uur tot 17.00 uur open.

Maandag gesloten tenzij anders vermeld.
Herfst vakantie – Maandag 19 en 26 oktober ook open.
Parkeren op ons eigen terrein is gratis

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Listing Results

  • Awesome Space

    Awesome Space

    Event, Museum, Playable

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  • Apple Museum Nederland

    Apple Museum Nederland

    Homecomputer, Museum, Playable

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  • Pinball Hall of Fame

    Pinball Hall of Fame

    Museum, Pinball, Playable

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  • Hack 42 – Computer Museum

    Hack 42 – Computer Museum

    Console, Homecomputer, Museum

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  • Musée Mécanique

    Musée Mécanique

    Arcade, Museum, Pinball, Playable

    Read more
  • Computerspielemuseum


    Arcade, Console, Homecomputer, Museum

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  • Retro Computer Museum

    Retro Computer Museum

    Homecomputer, Museum

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  • Dutch Pinball Museum

    Dutch Pinball Museum

    Museum, Pinball

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  • Bonami SpelComputer Museum

    Bonami SpelComputer Museum

    Arcade, Console, Museum, Playable

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